Staters – Group 2

Nagidos, Type 2.1
Type 2.1
Denomination: AR Stater
Obverse: Aphrodite seated right, holding phiale and lotus flower; sphinx seated on right side of chair; in left field, NAΓIΔIKON; linear circle border.
Reverse: Bearded and draped bust of Ares (?) left, wearing crested helmet decorated with palmette; in left field, Pharnabazos (in Aramaic); in right field, Cilicia (in Aramaic); linear circle border.
References: Lederer 1931, 20 = SNG France 2, 23; SNG von Aulock, 5753 = Baldwin’s Auctions Ltd, Auction 37 (4 May 2004), Lot 710 ( URL); Numismatica Ars Classica NAC AG, Auction 126 (17 November 2021), Lot 254 ( URL)
Credit: Numismatica Ars Classica NAC AG (see the reference above)
Remarks: (1) The obverse is reminiscent of the staters tentatively attributed to Aphrodisias (Aphrodisias, Type 1).
(2) Pharnabazos minted coins in Cilicia in the period ca. 380–374/3 BC.


Nagidos, Type 2.2
Type 2.2
Denomination: AR Stater
Obverse: Aphrodite seated left, feet on footstool, wearing long sleeved chiton, holding phiale in right hand, left arm resting on back of chair; to right, Eros standing left, his right hand outstretched behind the chair and holding open wreath in his left hand; dotted border.
Reverse: Bearded Dionysos dressed in a long robe, standing left, holding vine branch with grape bunch in extended right hand, thyrsos in left; in right field, NAΓIΔ; in upper left field, AHI monogram.
References: SNG Levante Supp., 1; Numismatik Lanz München, Auction 150 (13 December 2010), Lot 167 ( URL)
Credit: Numismatik Lanz München (see the reference above)


Nagidos, Type 2.3a
Nagidos, Type 2.3b
Type 2.3
Denomination: AR Stater
Obverse: Aphrodite seated left, feet on footstool, wearing long sleeved chiton, holding phiale in right hand, her left arm around shoulders of Eros, who stands left, holding open wreath in his left hand, his right arm around the back of Aphrodite; dotted border.
Reverse: Bearded Dionysos dressed in a long robe, standing left, holding vine branch with grape bunch in extended right hand, thyrsos in left.
Variants: a. rev.: in right field, NAΓIΔ
b. rev.: in left field, NAΓIΔ; in right field, A
References: a. Lederer 1931, 21; SNG Levante Supp., 2 = Classical Numismatic Group, Electronic Auction 90 (26 May 2004), Lot 178 ( URL); Classical Numismatic Group, Electronic Auction 386 (9 November 2016), Lot 308 ( URL)
b. SNG France 2, 26 = SNG Levante, 7
Credit (see the references above):
a. Classical Numismatic Group (Electronic Auction 386, Lot 308)
b. The Bibliothèque Nationale de France, Gallica, Identifier: ark:/12148/btv1b85328275


Nagidos, Type 2.4a
Nagidos, Type 2.4b
Nagidos, Type 2.4c
Type 2.4
Denomination: AR Stater
Obverse: Aphrodite seated left, feet on footstool, wearing long sleeved chiton, holding phiale in right hand, her left arm around shoulders of Eros, who stands left, holding open wreath in his left hand, his right arm around the back of Aphrodite; dotted border.
Reverse: Bearded Dionysos dressed in a long robe, standing left, holding vine branch with two grape bunches in extended right hand, thyrsos in left; in right and left fields, NAΓI–ΔEΩN.
Variants: a. rev.: no control mark; linear border
b. rev.: in exergue, Π
c. rev.: in lower left field, NA monogram (reversed and retrograde)
References: a. Lederer 1931, 22; BMC 21, p. 111, 11 = The British Museum (London), museum number 1860,0511.5 = Lederer 1931, 22a
b. Lederer 1931, 23 = SNG France 2, 25; several specimens on the market, e.g. Classical Numismatic Group, Electronic Auction 265 (5 October 2011), Lot 165 ( URL)
c. Lederer 1931, 24; SNG France 2, 24 = Lederer 1931, 24a; SNG von Aulock, 5754 = Lederer 1931, 24b = Gorny & Mosch Giessener Münzhandlung, Auction 122 (10 March 2003), Lot 1486 ( URL); several specimens on the market, e.g. Classical Numismatic Group, Electronic Auction 212 (17 June 2009), Lot 102 ( URL)
Credit (see the references above):
a. The British Museum
b. Classical Numismatic Group
c. Classical Numismatic Group


Nagidos, Type 2.5
Type 2.5
Denomination: AR Stater
Obverse: Aphrodite seated left, feet on footstool, wearing long sleeved chiton and pearl necklace, holding phiale in extended right arm, left arm resting on back of chair; lit altar to left; to right, Eros standing left on platform, crowning Aphrodite with wreath held in right hand; dotted border.
Reverse: Bearded Dionysos dressed in a long robe, standing left, holding vine branch with two grape bunches in extended right hand, thyrsos in left; in right and left fields, NAΓI–ΔEΩN; in lower left field, NA monogram.
References: Lederer 1931, 27
Die links: Type 2.6a–c (obverse), Type 2.4c (reverse)
Remark: Transitional type between Types 2.4 and 2.6.


Nagidos, Type 2.6a
Nagidos, Type 2.6b
Nagidos, Type 2.6c
Nagidos, Type 2.6d
Nagidos, Type 2.6e
Type 2.6
Denomination: AR Stater
Obverse: Aphrodite seated left, feet on footstool, wearing long sleeved chiton and pearl necklace, holding phiale in extended right arm, left arm resting on back of chair; lit altar to left; to right, Eros standing left on platform, crowning Aphrodite with wreath held in right hand; dotted border.
Reverse: Bearded Dionysos dressed in a long robe, standing left, holding vine branch with grape bunch in extended right hand, thyrsos in left.
Variants: a. rev.: in right field and lower left field, NAΓIΔEΩ–N
b. rev.: in right field and lower left field, NAΓIΔEΩ–N, the ending letter N retrograde and placed vertically; in upper left field, A in circle
c. rev.: in right field and lower left field, NAΓIΔEΩ–N, the ending letter N retrograde and placed vertically; in upper left field, NA monogram (reversed and retrograde)
d. rev.: in right field, NAΓIΔEΩN; in lower left field, Π
e. rev.: in right field, NAΓIΔEΩN; no control mark
References: a. Lederer 1931, 25; BMC 21, p. 111, 12 = The British Museum (London), museum number 1897,0704.24 = Lederer 1931, 25a; several specimens on the market, e.g. Roma Numismatics Limited, Auction 25 (22 September 2022), Lot 452 ( URL)
b. Lederer 1931, 26; several specimens on the market, e.g. Ira & Larry Goldberg Coins & Collectibles, Inc., Auction 59 (30 May 2010), Lot 2159 ( URL)
c. Lederer 1931, 29 = BMC 21, p. 112, 13 = The British Museum (London), museum number 1892,1205.15; Heritage Auctions, Inc., Auction 232340 (4–5 October 2023), Lot 61054
d. Lederer 1931, 28 = SNG France 2, 21
e. Lederer 1931, 30 = Forrer/Weber 3, 7576; Heritage Auctions, Inc., Auction 232247 (23 November 2022), Lot 64126 ( URL)
Credit (see the references above):
a. Roma Numismatics Limited
b. Ira & Larry Goldberg Coins & Collectibles, Inc.
c. Heritage Auctions, Inc.
d. The Bibliothèque Nationale de France, Gallica, Identifier: ark:/12148/btv1b85328401
e. Heritage Auctions, Inc.


Nagidos, Type 2.7a
Nagidos, Type 2.7b
Nagidos, Type 2.7c
Type 2.7
Denomination: AR Stater
Obverse: Aphrodite seated left, feet on footstool, wearing long sleeved chiton, holding phiale in extended right arm, left arm resting on back of chair; to right, Eros standing left, his right arm extended to Aphrodite; dotted border.
Reverse: Bearded Dionysos dressed in a long robe, standing left, holding vine branch with two grape bunches in extended right hand, thyrsos in left.
Variants: a. rev.: in right and left fields, NAΓI–ΔEΩN; in upper left field, M in circle
b. rev.: in left and right fields, NAΓIΔ–IKΩN
c. rev.: in right field, NAΓI (or ΛAΓI ?)
References: a. Lederer 1931, 31–2; SNG Levante, 8 = SNG von Aulock, 5756 = Classical Numismatic Group, Mail Bid Sale 64 (24 September 2003), Lot 319 ( URL); several specimens on the market, e.g. Classical Numismatic Group, Electronic Auction 370 (9 March 2016), Lot 184 ( URL); Ira & Larry Goldberg Coins & Collectibles, Inc., Auction 69 (29 May 2012), Lot 3161 ( URL)
b. SNG von Aulock, 5755
c. Classical Numismatic Group, Electronic Auction 107 (2 February 2005), Lot 75 ( URL)
Die links: Coins of both variants share the same obverse die.
Connection: Variant b — Type 4.2 (third stater, very similar design of the obverse and reverse)
Credit (see the references above):
a. obv.: Ira & Larry Goldberg Coins & Collectibles, Inc.;
rev.: Classical Numismatic Group (Electronic Auction 370, Lot 184)
c. Classical Numismatic Group


Nagidos, Type 2.8
Type 2.8
Denomination: AR Stater
Obverse: Aphrodite seated left, feet on footstool, wearing long sleeved chiton, holding phiale in extended right arm, left arm resting on back of chair; to right, Eros standing left, his right arm extended to Aphrodite and holding wreath in his left hand; dotted border.
Reverse: Bearded Dionysos dressed in a long robe, standing left, holding bunch of grapes in extended right hand, thyrsos in left; in right field, NAΓIΔEΩN; in upper left field, epigraphic shape of letter Zeta (𐤆); in lower left field, N.
References: Lederer 1931, 33; SNG Levante, 9 = SNG von Aulock, 5757 = Classical Numismatic Group, Mail Bid Sale 66 (19 May 2004), Lot 573 ( URL); SNG Levante, 10 = Classical Numismatic Group, Mail Bid Sale 66 (19 May 2004), Lot 574 ( URL)
Credit: Classical Numismatic Group (Mail Bid Sale 66, Lot 573)


16 January 2022 – 7 October 2024