Group 1

Commentary on this group Staters Third staters Obols

Commentary on this group

The coins included in Group 1 represent the early phase of Holmoi’s coinage, which is evidenced by their fabric and artistic level. The coin images on the obverse, i.e. the dismounting rider and the forepart of Pegasus, were taken from coins of Kelenderis. The second possibility, that Kelenderis took these subjects from Holmoi, is unlikely for two reasons. First, Holmoi was a minor city compared to Kelenderis, and second, the weight standard of these coins is lower than that of early Kelenderis issues, see the weight analysis of Holmoi staters. The reverse theme of the stern of the galley is in any case specific to Holmoi and does not appear on the coins of Kelenderis.

This group can be divided into two subgroups. The first subgroup consists of staters of Type 1.1, which probably represent the very first coin issue. These coins are characterised by a very crude execution of the obverse, a deep “rounded rectangle” incuse on the reverse, and the placement of the galley’s stern along the longer side of the incuse. The second subgroup consists of staters of Type 1.2, third staters of Type 1.3 and obols of Type 1.4. A common feature of coins from this second subgroup is a square incuse with rounded corners on the reverse, in the diagonal of which is placed the galley’s stern. The artistic level of the coins of this second subgroup is clearly higher than that of the coins of the first subgroup.




Holmoi, Type 1.1a
Holmoi, Type 1.1b
Type 1.1
Denomination: AR Stater
Obverse: Nude rider, holding reins in left hand and whip in right, dismounting from horse rearing to right; dotted border.
Reverse: Stern of a galley to left; all within deep incuse.
Variants: a. rev.: anepigraphic
b. rev.: above stern, ΟΛΜΙ
References: a. Nomos AG, Auction 19 (17 November 2019), Lot 175 ( URL)
b. Several specimens on the market, e.g. Roma Numismatics Limited, Auction 19 (26 March 2020), Lot 563 ( URL)
Die links:

All known specimens are struck from the same obverse and reverse dies. The only difference is that the variant 1.1a does not yet have the ethnic on the reverse. Therefore, the variant 1.1a must have preceded the variant 1.1b in time and represents the early state of the dies.

Note that the opposite view is held by Tahberer 2024, p. 84, who believes that these coins were struck from multiple reverse dies and the anepigraphic variant was struck last, when this coin type was already well known and therefore it was possible to omit the city ethnic.

Credit (see the references above):
a. Nomos AG
b. Roma Numismatics Limited


Holmoi, Type 1.2
Type 1.2
Denomination: AR Stater
Obverse: Youthful nude rider, holding reins in right hand and whip in left, dismounting from horse rearing to left on solid exergual line.
Reverse: Stern of galley right; above stern, OΛMITAN; all within diamond-shaped incuse.
References: Coll. P. Veselý, HOL-AR-05.
Credit: P. Veselý


Third staters


Holmoi, Type 1.3
Type 1.3
Denomination: AR Third Stater
Obverse: Nude rider, holding reins in right hand and whip in left, dismounting from horse rearing to left; dotted border.
Reverse: Stern of a galley to left; vertically above stern, ΟΛΜΙ; below stern, dolphin to left; all within deep diamond-shaped incuse.
References: Numismatik Naumann, Auction 39 (3 January 2016), Lot 415 ( URL)
Credit: Numismatik Naumann (see the reference above)
Remark: The dolphin is also found on Holmoi staters from the 4th century BC, see Group 2, Type 2.1. This symbol was also used on the reverse of some Kelenderis coins from the 4th century BC, see the catalogue of Kelenderis coins, Types 2.5 (stater), 3.10 (stater) and 4.4 (third stater).




Holmoi, Type 1.4
Type 1.4
Denomination: AR Obol
Obverse: Forepart of Pegasus left; dotted border.
Reverse: Stern of galley right; above stern, ΟΛΜ; all within diamond-shaped incuse.
References: Coll. P. Veselý, HOL-AR-02.
Credit: P. Veselý
Remark: Kelenderis also chose the forepart of Pegasus for early obol issues, see Kelenderis, Type 5.1.


12 July 2021 – 13 January 2025